Transformers: Cyberverse (TV Series 2018–2020)
41K Action Animation Genre Ashleigh Chrisena Ricci Ben Bott Billy Bob Thompson Deanna McGovern Dick Terhune Haley Carter Chapel Jaime Lamchick Jake Foushee Jeremy Levy Lianne Marie Dobbs Marc Swint Marc Thompson Mike Rose Ryan Andes Ryan Nicolls Saskia Marx Sophia Isabella TJ Nelson Todd Perlmutter Travis Artz 8.7 English Germany
Transformers: Cyberverse: With Jeremy Levy, Jake Foushee, Sophia Isabella, Ryan Andes. The series focuses on the adventures of Bumblebee; having damaged his memory chips, he and Windblade must recover his missing memories in order to help him remember his mission on Earth. Unfortunately, the Decepticons are after their friends.
“First off this show is made for people with short attention span, itu0026#39;s only 10min long per episode. But the acting and story are compelling. You can catch season one on Netflix and the 2 following seasons on Hasbrou0026#39;s official YouTube Transformers channel. Itu0026#39;s one of the few shows that just focuses on the transformers instead of wasting time on human characters.”