Prodigal (2019)
56K Drama Genre Adam Boyer Alexandra Lucchesi Anjil Jeter Austin Bostic Bradford Haynes Brooke Montalvo Cedric Fulton Daisha Fields Darren Cain Garrick Parks Jason Louder JoVan Showtime Johnson Joy Fredericks Kilo Thompson Leland L. Jones Michael Bullard Michael Dinh Nevaina Graves Rhodes Patrick Lamont Jr. Richard Smith Roscoe Johnson Rufus Morris Willie D. Davis IV Y'Vaughn Moore 2019 4.9 English Michael Dinh United States
Prodigal: Directed by Michael Dinh. With Austin Bostic, Adam Boyer, Michael Bullard, Darren Cain. Caught between the street life of Decatur, GA and attempting to create a better life for his wheelchair bound little brother Keith Thompson -aka- Kilo crosses the line where his only options seem to be prison or death. After a series of life threatening events, It takes his mom and praying grandmother to try and guide him in the right direction. Kilo finds himself at the crossroads between love, family and the streets and he has to determine which direction to take or which direction will take him.