Digimon Adventure Tri. 5: Koexistenz (2017)
62K Action Adventure Animation Genre Aaron LaPlante Akiyoshi Hongo Cherami Leigh Chris Freeney Colleen O'Shaughnessey Cristina Valenzuela Frances Cox Francesca Knight Helen Lambert Isabelle Estelle Corbusier Jeremy Dyson John De Main John Eric Bentley Johnny Leeze Johnny Yong Bosch Judith Vause Junko Takeuchi Junya Enoki Kate Higgins Keitarô Motonaga Kirk Thornton Kris Mochrie Kyle Hebert Lily Knight Lyndsey Marshal Mark Gatiss Megan De Wolf Mitsutaka Hirota Mona Marshall Mutsumi Tamura Natsuki Hanae Paul Hays-Marshall Philece Sampler Reece Shearsmith Robbie Daymond Rosy De Wolf Rusty Goffe Sian Gibson Steve Pemberton Takahiro Sakurai Tara Sands Vic Mignogna Yoshimasa Hosoya 52017 7.3 Germany Japanese Keitarô Motonaga
Digimon Adventure Tri. 5: Koexistenz: Directed by Keitarô Motonaga. With Cristina Valenzuela, Cherami Leigh, Johnny Yong Bosch, Robbie Daymond. Homeostasis is trying to maintain harmony but considers Meicoomon’s power to be an existential threat to both worlds. While the DigiDestined return to the Real World alienated by the abnormal state of the Digital World.
“This film is a little rough around the edges, but is an improvement over part 4. As the plot thickens a lot of the tension gets lost as things just start to become overly complex. Overall though it does a fairly good job of building on the last part and raising the stakes for the finale.”