Radioflash (2019)
65K Drama Genre Romance Amir Abdullah Arden Myrin Ben McPherson Brighton Sharbino CJ Legare Dominic Monaghan Dustin Scott Eryn Rea Fionnula Flanagan Jerry Basham Juli Erickson Kyle Collin Lance Valentine Butler Matt Redhawk Max Adler Michael Filipowich Mike Harris Miles Anderson Ryan Shrime Sean Cook Shawn Law Will Patton 2019 4.8 Ben McPherson English United States
Radioflash: Directed by Ben McPherson. With Brighton Sharbino, Dominic Monaghan, Will Patton, Fionnula Flanagan. When a nuclear device causes an electromagnetic pulse that kills power to more than 200 million people, a teenage girl must help lead her family to survival in a dark new world.
“Omitting all of the scientific fallacies here (such as a silicon-based iPad and other things working after an EMP), this film just fails to keep the vieweru0026#39;s attention with any action. If a teenage girl running through the forest for 90 minutes is your thing, then enjoy.”