Alien Xmas (TV Special 2020)
41K Adventure Animation Genre These are the 50 best Christmas movies ever Barbara Goodson Dan Clark Dee Bradley Baker Jakari Fraser Jessica Gee-George Jon Favreau Kaitlyn Robrock Kaliayh Rhambo Kealan O'Rourke Keythe Farley Kirk Thornton Madison Rojas Michelle Deco Noah Kloor Stephen Chiodo Steve Staley Tony Oliver 2020 6.2 English Germany Stephen Chiodo
Alien Xmas: Directed by Stephen Chiodo. With Keythe Farley, Dee Bradley Baker, Kaliayh Rhambo, Michelle Deco. When extraterrestrials attempt to steal Earth’s gravity, only the gift-giving spirit of Christmas — and a small Alien named X — can save the world.
“My kids found this and have watched it at least 10 times in the past 2 days….that means itu0026#39;s good. Some watching a new thing over and over is better than the old things, I like it too. The story makes them laugh and the concept of giving instead of taking/receiving is very sweet.”