The Girls of Summer (2020)
35K Drama Genre Alicia Daisy Bob Gildo Cassie Kramer Chelsea Tobey Collin Mattiford Dustin Chilton Ed Ernstes Isele Collier Jeff Puckett Jennifer Kerr John D. Hancock John Leinweber Judy Ferrara Kevin Lee Giese Kristin Cotts Kyle Patrick Landon Chase Lynnea Black Nathan Hosner Nicole Poppy Dee Kendall Tori Titmas 2020 6.8 John D. Hancock United Kingdom
The Girls of Summer: Directed by John D. Hancock. With Tori Titmas, Jeff Puckett, Nathan Hosner, Kristin Cotts. A young drummer, seemingly stuck taking care of her father and the family sod farm is convinced her dreams of becoming a professional musician are unrealistic until her father convinces her she needs to go on the road and chase her dreams.
“Like the time tested old saying.. suffering through this film-abortion resembled u0026quot;watching paint dryu0026quot;!”