Homeward (2020)
27K Adventure Animation Family Genre A.C Stokes Aaron Witlin Ana Florit Audrey Latt Chunzhong Zhang D.C. Douglas David Michael Latt Dylan Vox Haoming Ying Iris Miller-Bales James Cullen Bressack James Mahoney Jamey Rimawi Jenna Edwards Jeremy M. Inman Jiayi He Joe Filippone Joe Roche Joey Lawrence Joyce Tatler Justin Joseph Murphy Kim Little Luyi Zhang Mao Su Meiling Jin Michael Johnson Ming'en Zhang Naiwen Li Scot Derwingson-Peacock Solomon Krumholz Tammy Klein Tom Green William Wai-Ting Chan Xuanru Shi Yixing Zhang Zanilia Zhao Zonghan Li 2020 China English Michael Johnson null
Homeward: Directed by Michael Johnson. With Joey Lawrence, James Cullen Bressack, Kim Little, D.C. Douglas. A boastful elf and his prank-happy orc brother must learn to work together to stop a fiendish orc gang from retrieving a magical stone that will give them the power to take over the world.
“Itu0026#39;s Asylum! Why would anyone be shocked that this is a piece of crap?”