The Last Hot Lick (2017)
46K Drama Genre Music Alyssa Fitchie Austin Berry Chauntai Heemash Cynthia Garlington Emily Kidney Espana Coles Fred Ingram Guthrie Stafford Jaime Leopold Jennifer Smieja John Wolf Joseph Berry Judy Wolf Konrad Brandt Lori Pond Mahalia Cohen Mark Gustafson Oriana Lewton-Leopold Paige Berry Russell Berry Walter Cryderman 2017 7.2 English Mahalia Cohen United States
The Last Hot Lick: Directed by Mahalia Cohen. With Jaime Leopold, Jennifer Smieja, Oriana Lewton-Leopold, Guthrie Stafford. Jack is a washed up musician on a never-ending tour. When he meets a mysterious woman, he believes her beautiful voice is the key to his success; but she has a secret that could threaten Jack’s plan.
“What a wonderful movie! I enjoyed it from beginning to end!! This is one of those rare films where you feel like youu0026#39;re a fly on the wall. The acting was terrific!! This little jewel just kept getting better and better as it went along! I highly recommend this film to all. Great work everyone!! You all did it right!!”