Feinde – Die Geschichte einer Liebe (1989)
18K Comedy Drama Genre Romance Alan King Anjelica Huston Arthur Grosser Burney Lieberman Doris Gramovot Elya Baskin Gayle Garfinkle Henry Bronchtein Howard Ryshpan Isaac Bashevis Singer Judith Malina L.J. Dollinger Lena Olin Malgorzata Zajaczkowska Nathaniel Katzman Paul Mazursky Phil Leeds Rita Karin Roger L. Simon Ron Silver Shel Goldstein Zypora Spaisman 1989 7.2 English Paul Mazursky West Germany
Feinde – Die Geschichte einer Liebe: Directed by Paul Mazursky. With Ron Silver, Anjelica Huston, Lena Olin, Malgorzata Zajaczkowska. A ghostwriter finds himself romantically involved with his current wife, a married woman and his long-vanished wife.
“This story is quite a complicated one for just one man who is passively following his path along the way with 3 different woman. But I donu0026#39;t see it just as a comedy because of something from the past which is haunting him and might explain his attitude. Actors are all playing a very good part of this movie.”