Mao Gakuin no Futekigosha (TV Series 2020–2022)
24K Adventure Animation Comedy Genre Aki Toyosaki Aleks Le Deneen Melody Haruka Shiraishi Jackie Lastra Kaori Ishihara Kimberly Woods Madoka Asahina Nene Hieda Ryôtarô Okiayu Sayumi Suzushiro Shinobu Matsumoto Takuma Terashima Tatsuhisa Suzuki Tomomi Mineuchi Tomori Kusunoki Yuka Amemiya Yuko Natsuyoshi Yuko Ono Yume Miyamoto 8.6 Germany Japanese
Mao Gakuin no Futekigosha: With Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Tomori Kusunoki, Aleks Le, Yuko Natsuyoshi. A demon mage reincarnates into the body of his descendant hoping to find an era where he can have some peace and quiet. He ends up going to a school run by his significantly weaker descendants.
“The anime offers us the king of demons with a very different character than the rest of the anime”