Gegenüber (2007)
62K Drama Genre Alexander Lincoln Amy Walsh Anna Brass Anne Ratte-Polle Ash Palmisciano Chris Gill Christina Ebelt Claus Dieter Clausnitzer Dean Andrews Emma Atkins Gabriele Schulze Guntram Brattia Jan Bonny Jeff Hordley Jochen Striebeck Kevin Laffan Lawrence Robb Lucy Pargeter Maria Körber Martin Müller Matthias Brandt Michael Lacey Nadja Robiné Natalie J. Robb Ole Ohlson Olivia Bromley Özgür Özata Pablo Ben Yakov Susanne Bormann Till Butterbach Vanessa Radman Victoria Trauttmansdorff Wotan Wilke Möhring 2007 German Germany Michael Lacey null
Gegenüber: Directed by Jan Bonny. With Matthias Brandt, Victoria Trauttmansdorff, Wotan Wilke Möhring, Susanne Bormann. Teacher Anne and policeman Georg are thought of as the perfect couple. However, appearances are deceptive: one of them is covered with scars and bruises. But which one is the abuser?