Lego: The Adventures of Clutch Powers (Video 2010)
61K Action Adventure Animation Genre Alex Désert Chris Hardwick Christopher Emerson Cody Taylor Gregg Berger Howard E. Baker Jake Barton Jeff Bennett John Di Crosta Joshua Wexler Matt Kasanoff Ole Kirk Christiansen Paul Michael Glaser Richard Doyle Roger Rose Ryan McPartlin Scott Weil Stephan Cox Tom Rogers Yvonne Strahovski 2010 5.8 English Howard E. Baker South Korea
Lego: The Adventures of Clutch Powers: Directed by Howard E. Baker. With Ryan McPartlin, Yvonne Strahovski, Paul Michael Glaser, Roger Rose. For the first time ever, see the world of LEGO come to life in the all-new feature-length DVD movie adventure with Clutch Powers, the best builder and explorer in the LEGO universe.
“This LEGO movie was okay. In my opinion, it is better than most.nIt is hilarious too.”