True Fiction – Kill Your Idol (2019)
53K Genre Horror Thriller Angelique Berry Braden Croft Brian Martell Catherine Gell Gurpreet Bhullar Jason Schneider Jayy Randhawa Jennifer Boudreau John Cassini Julian Black Antelope Julian Richings Lauren Hanna Reamonn Joshee Sara García Shubh Sandhu Swaalina Tru Makers Vadda Grewal 2019 7.9 English Germany Tru Makers
True Fiction – Kill Your Idol: Directed by Braden Croft. With Sara Garcia, John Cassini, Julian Black Antelope, Julian Richings. A young writer gets a job assisting her favourite horror writer, but she finds herself participating in an out-of-control psychological experiment.
“The acting scary of the actress make me laugh. Just not suit for the role she played. Story itself is so high school level that u0026quot;write a scary storyu0026quot;. Totally non sense and not scary!”