Bad Eggs (2003)
18K Comedy Genre Thriller Alan Brough Bill Hunter Bob Franklin Brett Swain Chris Peters Danielle McAlpine Johnson Denis Moore Judith Lucy Katryna Cooke Kelli Marks Kirsten Brice Lawrence Mooney Marshall Napier Mick Molloy Nicholas Bell Pete Smith Peter Rowsthorn Robyn Nevin Shaun Micallef Steven Vidler Tony Martin 2003 6.8 Australia English Tony Martin
Bad Eggs: Directed by Tony Martin. With Mick Molloy, Bob Franklin, Judith Lucy, Alan Brough. Ben Kinnear and Mike Paddock are two undercover detectives with way too much publicity.
“For the intended movie goers of Bad Eggs….Be forewarned. Itu0026#39;s a movie with highly course language used in it. The u0026quot;Fu0026quot; word was used so many times that you become almost immune to it. But it does make you squirm a bit,… not for the faint hearted.”