Two Wolves (2018)
32K Drama Genre Aaron Phifer Bryce Clyde Jenkins Céline Ronté Damien Frette David 'Blak' Plascencia David Michel Dominic Domingo Elias Cecil Elisa Nixon Emmanuel Garijo Francisco Antonio Gabriel B. Alexander Gabriel Le Doze Gerry Swallow Grégory Quidel Henrik Rutgersson Jules Verne Julien Crampon Kate Krystowiak Kaycie Chase Leif Holt Michaël Aragones Michael Laurin Michael Neumeyer Mykel Shannon Jenkins Nelson Estevez Oliver Morton Rich Laru Robyn Hyden Samuel Tourneux Serge Biavan Sylvester Powell Taani Fuahala Véronique Augereau 2018 6 English Samuel Tourneux United States
Two Wolves: Directed by Mykel Shannon Jenkins. With Gabriel B. Alexander, Francisco Antonio, Elias Cecil, Dominic Domingo. Two wolves is an urban thriller drama that builds on the story of Special Agent Artemis in a world of secrets, mystery and intrigue. As a child, Artemis watched his family get torn apart.