Driven Crazy (2019)
69K Drama Genre Adam Brown Aidan Turner Alex Freeman Andy Serkis Cate Blanchett Corinna Bergmann Dean O'Gorman Elijah Wood Fran Walsh Graham McTavish Hugo Weaving Ian Holm Ian McKellen James Nesbitt Jed Brophy John Callen John Jorah Koster Ken Stott Mark Hadlow Martin Freeman Maya Diehm Natalia Bobrich Peter Hambleton Peter Jackson Philippa Boyens Richard Armitage Robin Czerny Stephen Hunter William Kircher 2019 7.8 China English Peter Jackson
Driven Crazy: Directed by John Jorah Koster. With Robin Czerny, Maya Diehm, Natalia Bobrich, Alex Freeman. When a call girl and her driver skip town to find a new beginning, they must learn the truth about one another before their crimes destroy them.
“Itu0026#39;s definitely no LOTR…But itu0026#39;s still a pretty cool movie. Sure, it took itu0026#39;s time to try to tell the story and dragged on for a little too long, but other than that, the special effects were great, and it was entertaining as hell. Itu0026#39;s a good introduction to The Hobbit franchise.”