Battle Royale (2000)
24K Action Adventure Drama Genre Aki Maeda Aki Unone Anna Nagata Chiaki Kuriyama Eri Ishikawa Hirohito Honda Kenta Fukasaku Kinji Fukasaku Koushun Takami Misao Kato Ren Matsuzawa Ryou Nitta Sayaka Ikeda Sayaka Kamiya Sôsuke Takaoka Takashi Tsukamoto Takayo Mimura Takeshi Kitano Tarô Yamamoto Tatsuya Fujiwara Yukari Kanasawa Yukihiro Kotani Yutaka Shimada 2000 4.7 Japan Japanese Kinji Fukasaku
Battle Royale: Directed by Kinji Fukasaku. With Tatsuya Fujiwara, Aki Maeda, Tarô Yamamoto, Takeshi Kitano. In the future, the Japanese government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to kill each other under the revolutionary “Battle Royale” act.
“First of all this is a super combination of originality and amusement. Secondly, this has been ripped off so many times it is astounding. Thirdly, the acting is top notch. The adult with anger management issues is horrendous and deadly. It shows the jarheads are evil. It also shows how beautiful girls are when they are fit, rocking and not tattooed trash.”