The Second (2018)
19K Drama Genre Mystery Thriller Amy Emanuele Bridget Webb Bruce Cameron Cate Feldmann Daniel Hess Greta Carew-Johns Lisa Kay Mairi Cameron Martin Sacks Megan Dale Mirene Igwabi Nancy Evans Paul Mahoney Paula Nazarski Rachael Blake Stephen Lance Susan Bush Susan Prior Susie Porter Tyler Dakers Vince Colosimo Will Beasley 2018 5.7 Australia English Mairi Cameron
The Second: Directed by Mairi Cameron. With Rachael Blake, Susie Porter, Vince Colosimo, Martin Sacks. The persona of a celebrated author is threatened when her best friend and muse reveals the dark secret behind her first novel’s provenance, igniting an incendiary tale of sex, lies and betrayal.
“Not much positive to say, except that the landscapes were often stunning.”