Leap (2018)
42K Adventure Documentary Drama Genre Carol Koziol Chad James Cherie Carter-Scott Clinton Callahan Devon Kerns Hisham Abdalla Jack Canfield Jami Keller Jane Cox Janez Hudovernik John Demartini John Gray Kasia Wezowski Marla Keller Marshall Goldsmith Michael Hall Noam Kostucki Patryk Wezowski Rob Koebel Sayeda Habib Kassamally Tara Antler Thomas Gelmi 2018 6.6 English Kasia Wezowski United States
Leap: Directed by Kasia Wezowski, Patryk Wezowski. With Hisham Abdalla, Tara Antler, Clinton Callahan, Jack Canfield. A one year experiment seeks to discover whether coaching can help ordinary people achieve extraordinary things.
“A very moving account of the journey of four people who learned that we all have to potential to achieve our dreams if we can just remove the fear of being successful. Proof that the psychology-based principles which underpin coaching are real and, for those brave enough to employ them, anything is possible. Inspiring.”