Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel – I. Presage Flower (2017)
33K Action Animation Drama Genre Akira Hiyama Ayako Kawasumi Brina Palencia Bryce Papenbrook Cristina Valenzuela David Vincent Jalen K. Cassell Jôji Nakata Julie Ann Taylor Kana Ueda Kari Wahlgren Kinoko Nasu Kyle McCarley Matthew Mercer Mela Lee Melissa Fahn Michael Donovan Noriaki Sugiyama Noriko Shitaya Robbie Daymond Todd Haberkorn Tomonori Sudô Tony Oliver Yu Asakawa 8.1 Germany Japanese Tomonori Sudô
Fate/Stay Night: Heaven’s Feel – I. Presage Flower: Directed by Tomonori Sudô. With Bryce Papenbrook, Noriaki Sugiyama, Noriko Shitaya, Cristina Valenzuela. Movie adaptation of the third route of Fate/Stay Night.
“It is so good that the movie tells a completely different story than fate stay night. The parts with same plots to fate stay night is told by different persepectives. Personally, I love Sakurau0026#39;s line better than rinu0026#39;s.”