Oz Land (2018)
32K Adventure Drama Genre Ai Hashimoto Akira Emoto Amane Okayama Chûkichi Kubo Erika Asakura Erika Yoshida Haru Hidetoshi Nishijima Juri Shiratori Kong Kuwata Mari Hamada Masahiro Toda Motoki Fukami Norihisa Inoue Shôhei Ueki Takafumi Hatano Tomoya Nakamura Yoichi Komori 2018 5.1 Japan Japanese Takafumi Hatano
Oz Land: Directed by Takafumi Hatano. With Erika Asakura, Akira Emoto, Motoki Fukami, Mari Hamada. Kurumi is hired at a high-end hotel, but is instead dispatched to work at fun fair that is connected to the business network. The new work is out in the country and there is not much else to do or places to go. The go-to employee is one Yoshiko. Kurumi wants to be successful and valued and is eager to learn from Yoshiko. All is not as it seems on the surface however.