Low Low (2019)
42K Drama Genre Adam Elshar Alexis Raich Ali Richey Andrew Saunderson Brie Mattson Claude Knowlton Dominique Columbus Elaine Hendrix Emmy Newman Greg Bryk Jason Momoa Kacie Rogers Landon Liboiron Mark Harley Mary McNeill Micah Howard Mike Capozzi Moniqua Plante Montana Roesch Nick Richey Peter Blackie Rob Blackie Savannah Stehlin Sean Carrigan Trevor Lee Georgeson Tyler Chase Yosef Mahmood Zoe Boyle 2019 4.7 English Nick Richey United States
Low Low: Directed by Nick Richey. With Ali Richey, Alexis Raich, Kacie Rogers, Montana Roesch. On their last day of summer, four high-school girls confront sex, violence and their uncertain future as they struggle to reconcile a rebellious youth with impending adulthood.
“Reminded me of u0026quot;American Womanu0026quot; as in 90% profanity, fake sex (i.e. scenes designed to give the idea w/out exposing much), parties, alcohol in abundance of course. Females searching for love using the hooks they have, but advantage falls to the guys. Script tries to convey the importance of dedication to education, but comes across as weak.”