His House (2020)
19K Drama Genre Horror Thriller Andy Gathergood Bradley Banton Dominic Coleman Emily Taaffe Felicity Evans Gamba Cole Homer Todiwala Ian Horgan Javier Botet Kevin Layne Lola May Malaika Wakoli-Abigaba Matt Smith Maureen Casey Rasaq Kukoyi Remi Weekes Roland Manookian Sally Plumb Sope Dirisu Toby Venables Vivienne Soan Wunmi Mosaku Yvonne Campbell 2020 6.3 English Germany Remi Weekes
His House: Directed by Remi Weekes. With Sope Dirisu, Wunmi Mosaku, Malaika Wakoli-Abigaba, Matt Smith. A refugee couple makes a harrowing escape from war-torn South Sudan, but then they struggle to adjust to their new life in an English town that has an evil lurking beneath the surface.
“It starts well, midway you think itu0026#39;s following a standard horror movie course, but stick with it! Very well done. Terrific ending!”