Fantômes (2001)
56K Drama Genre Armelle Legrand Bambi Buffy Malibu Céline Bozon Claire Doyon Davia Ardell Dina Ferreira Emilie Lafarge Emilie Lelouch Emmanuelle Huynh Eric Auvray Fatima Chaibeddour Gabriella Gotti Guillaume Junot Guillaume Verdier Janai Jean-Claude Montheil Jean-Paul Civeyrac Jean-Paul Delbordre Kim Kataine Lovette Marie Modiano Odile Grosset-Grange Olivier Boreel Roxanne Hall Ruby Sabrina Johnson Scarlett Sébastien Savine Serge Bozon Sophie Nicolas Vanessa Le Reste Yvonne 2001 6.3 English France Jean-Paul Civeyrac
Fantômes: Directed by Jean-Paul Civeyrac. With Dina Ferreira, Emilie Lelouch, Guillaume Verdier, Olivier Boreel. At the start of the new millennium, mysterious things are going on in Paris. People are disappearing, just like that, without explanation.
“What a beautiful movie!nMaybe I will write more later, but right now I am just feeling very calm and placid… after watching this film, that for now that is enough.”