Homemade Christmas (TV Movie 2020)
67K Drama Genre Romance Adrian Langley Alexis Maitland Brianna Barnes Connor McMahon Corbin Smyth Currie Findlay James Davies John Dion Kelly Hope Taylor Marcello Di Fruscia Margarita Valderrama Michelle Argyris Mireille Gagné Richard Nash Tiara Johnny Travis Nelson 2020 6.3 Adrian Langley English United States
Homemade Christmas: Directed by Adrian Langley. With Michelle Argyris, Travis Nelson, Marcello Di Fruscia, Brianna Barnes. Megan uses the weeks leading up to every Christmas to help around with any Christmas-related tasks. When the opportunity arrives to save a Christmas party and dazzle her crush, she must choose between the man of her dreams and Mr. Right.
“They had okay chemistry but the male lead had this slurred voice that it was hard to understand what he was saying.”