Fabricated City (2017)
59K Action Crime Genre Thriller Geun-Su Won Ho-jung Kim Jae-hong Ahn Ji Chang-Wook Ji-Hong Park Ji-hu Park Kahlid Elijah Tapia Ki-chun Kim Kim Min-kyo Kim Sang-Ho Kwang-Hyun Park Kwon Tae-won Lee Do-guk Lee Hanee Lee Soon-won Min-Jung Bae Myeong-chan Park Oh Jeong-Se Seul-gi Kim Shim Eun-kyung Won-cheol Shim Woo Hyeon 2017 6.9 Germany Korean Kwang-Hyun Park
Fabricated City: Directed by Kwang-Hyun Park. With Ji Chang-Wook, Shim Eun-kyung, Jae-hong Ahn, Min-Jung Bae. After Kwon, an exceptional gamer, is wrongly framed for murder, he along with his allies decides to find the real culprit and prove his innocence.
“This movie is fantastic. had no idea what it was about but i let it unravel itself. nThe acting is great and kept me fascinated by wanting more. Each actor played a strong character and the story line worked well. Sad at some points. Im not sure why there are some really low ratings, maybe because they didnt like reading subtitles.. but i thoroughly enjoyed this movie and hope to see more of this type.nI registered on here just so i could review this.”