Petit vampire (2020)
60K Animation Family Fantasy Genre Alex Lutz Alexandre Philipp Camille Cottin Claire de la Rüe du Can Elisa Ruschke Jean-Paul Rouve Joann Sfar Katia Tchenko Loïc Legendre Louise Lacoste Mara Taquin Nicolas Lumbreras Quentin Faure Ricardo Lo Giudice Sandrina Jardel Sava Lolov Vincent Vermignon 2020 7.5 France French Joann Sfar
Petit vampire: Directed by Joann Sfar. With Camille Cottin, Louise Lacoste, Jean-Paul Rouve, Claire de la Rüe du Can. A friendship forms between a never-aging 10-year-old vampire and an orphan schoolboy, but a moon headed monster throws obstacles in their paths.
“I was fourteen when the little vampire cartoon was on TV, and I hadnu0026#39;t watched much of it, but found it cool. More than twenty years later this adaptation in log footage taught me the details of the story that I did not know. Itu0026#39;s quite cute and I like the graphics, nice and followable.”