The Watchman's Edict (2017)
5K Drama Genre Thriller Alexandra Balda Ashley Krohne Bryan Boykins Bryan Cobaris Craig Raymond David Raizor Deneige Broom Don Larson Gary Lazarus Gregg Huston Janice Fisher Jeff Evans Jimmie Jones John Hardy Kat Kemmet Ryan Chidester Scot Smith Shawn Lawrence Tai Nelson Troy D. Williams William Derryberry 6.2 Bryan Boykins English United States
The Watchman’s Edict: Directed by Bryan Boykins. With Troy D. Williams, Deneige Broom, David Raizor, Jeff Evans. An ambitious investigative reporter, uncovers an government conspiracy and finds himself in their cross hairs. Now, he must race against time to stay alive and expose the proposed legislation before it is voted into law.
“This movie kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire film! I like films that are believable, and this one truly is believable! Well thought out plot, excellent script, great acting, awesome editing, thoroughly enjoyable!! I highly recommend this film!”