Amor Mutante (2019)
18K Drama Genre Romance Alan Cumming Ana Cordelia Anet Baca Terán Ángel Terán Anibal Navarro Anthony Johnston Carlos Luna Eddy Vargas Germán Rodríguez Quiñones Janeth Ponzo Jonathan Cornejo Lorena Baca Terán Lucia Vázquez Luis José Sevilla Marilyn Uribe Mike Melo Moshet Gutiérrez Patricia Soto Patrick Breen Ramiro Ruiz Roberto Muñoz Sarita Choudhury Sergio Rogalto Tatiana Andrews Vincent Gagliostro Yoshio Soriano Zachary Booth 2019 5.6 Spanish United Kingdom Vincent Gagliostro
Amor Mutante: Directed by Germán Rodríguez Quiñones. With Anet Baca Terán, Sergio Rogalto, Tatiana Andrews, Lorena Baca Terán. In an panic-stricken ambience in the city caused by a corpeses of unidentified beings, Ali, a singer, meets Genaro. Ali begins to suffer strange symptoms. Their relationship deteriorates. What they don’t know is that these changes will have future transcendence.