Sharkenstein (2016)
62K Action Adventure Comedy Genre Adam Murtland Austin Dragovich Brian Rezek Bruce Applegate Christopher Beacom Chyenne Bostwick Cody Getz Greta Volkova J.K. Farlew James Carolus Jeff Kirkendall Kathryn Sue Young Ken Van Sant Kline Kaufer Mark Polonia Nathan McNamara Steve Diasparra Titus Himmelberger Todd Carpenter Yolie Canales 2016 English Mark Polonia United States
Sharkenstein: Directed by Mark Polonia. With Greta Volkova, Ken Van Sant, Titus Himmelberger, James Carolus. Sixty years after the end of World War II, a small ocean town is plagued by a blood-thirsty creature that was built and reanimated by using the parts of the greatest sea-killers: the Sharkenstein monster.
“Oh, itu0026#39;s bad. Almost BIRDEMIC bad. Horrible acting, cheesy CGI, and a storyline full of holes. The only redeeming qualities are that is unintentionally funny at times and it is mercifully short.”