The Dawnseeker (2018)
50K Action Fantasy Genre Alex Giuffreda Alexander Kane Angelic Granger Aurora Griffith Billynaire Cruz Carl Bailey Christopher Burke Donald Cheong Emily Bertels Franziska Schissler James Croak Jason Skeen Jeremie Fiore Justin Price Khu Linton Jackson Marc-Andrew Chicoine Mayra Juarez Meno Hafsi Michael 'Big Smooth' Frazier Ryan Jude Dopp Victor Griffith 2018 3.5 English Justin Price United States
The Dawnseeker: Directed by Justin Price. With Franziska Schissler, Khu, Alexander Kane, Jason Skeen. Earth 2245: 5 people are sent to a faraway planet to collect the mineral Stardust, which will be used to revive the dying Sun and save Earth. The spaceship also has a Dawnseeker, a killer of humans, that escapes upon reaching destination.
“I also saw it was rated 8.2 so I got curious……well, curiousity killed the cat.nBad acting, bad effects,ah well…..there was nothing good about this movie.nWast of time.”