Fire Force (TV Series 2019– )
40K Action Animation Drama Genre Alexis Tipton Aoi Yûki Christopher Wehkamp Colleen Clinkenbeard Derick Snow Eric Vale Gakuto Kajiwara Ian Sinclair Jad Saxton Jason Liebrecht Jeff Plunk Jeremy Inman Kazuya Nakai Kenichi Suzumura Lynn Mao Ichimichi Saeko Kamijo Sarah Roach Tabitha Ray Yûsuke Kobayashi 2019 9.5 Germany Japanese
Fire Force: With Derick Snow, Alexis Tipton, Eric Vale, Christopher Wehkamp. A superhuman firefighter force is formed to deal with supernatural fire incidents.
“A lot of people seem to hate this show and I can understand why but itu0026#39;s not fair. Yes thereu0026#39;s dull fan service and generic anime girls but the show is pretty good. The animations are very good in my opinion and the music is fun and unique. I love the theme and feel of the anime and itu0026#39;s pretty weird but yet pretty good. Give fire force a fair chance itu0026#39;s actually decent.”