In deinen Armen (2019)
49K Crime Drama Genre Romance Aaron Pedersen Ava Caryofyllis Chris Haywood Dan Wyllie David Wenham Fern Nicholson Garrett Hedlund George Mason Gregor Jordan Jack Thorne Jacob Clayton Jessica Niven Julia Stone Kate Elder Kelly Belinda Hammond Kelly Macdonald Kohen Mills Luke Elliot Rikky Sharma Syd Brisbane Tim Winton 2019 6.6 English Germany Gregor Jordan
In deinen Armen: Directed by Gregor Jordan. With Kelly Macdonald, Garrett Hedlund, David Wenham, Aaron Pedersen. The stunning landscape of Western Australia is the backdrop for an impassioned tale of love and grief in Gregor Jordan’s adaptation of the acclaimed novel by Tim Winton.
“The scenery is really beautiful. The story is a slow burner, but itu0026#39;s worth watching for the ending.”