A Gift Wrapped Christmas (TV Movie 2015)
63K Comedy Drama Family Genre Ally Warren Anna Van Hooft Anthony Bolognese Barbara Kymlicka Bernard Cuffling Beverley Mitchell Billy Mitchell Catherine Barroll Cherilynn Fulbright Dave Collette Dee Jay Jackson Dolores Drake Elfina Luk Erin Aubrey Kathryn Kirkpatrick Lee Friedlander Mark McConchie Meredith Hagner Michael Teigen Nicole Oliver Sheri Rabold Travis Milne 2015 6.7 English Lee Friedlander United States
A Gift Wrapped Christmas: Directed by Lee Friedlander. With Meredith Hagner, Travis Milne, Anna Van Hooft, Anthony Bolognese. Starring Meredith Hagner, Travis Milne, and Beverley Mitchell. Personal shopper Gwen’s new client is a workaholic single father. When Gwen meets his 7-year-old son, she makes their lacking father-son relationship her Christmas mission.
“I feel like most Christmas movies are so cheesy and the acting is mediocre. This movie was so different….. the acting is amazing! It almost seems like they werenu0026#39;t going off a script and seemed more real!”