Untouched (2017)
24K Crime Drama Genre Amanda Jelks Andy Dunning Angelique Chase Anthony Paderewski Ash Rabah Carolyn Lloyd Chad Squires Chelsea Cardwell Chip Lane Christopher Mychael Watson Cindy Hogan Frank Cortese Jackson Morgan Jd Cole Jenn Gotzon Jim Gooden Jimmy Hager Kwajalyn Brown Maria Zilda Bethlem Martha Davis Megan Lombardo Patrick Millsaps Pepi Streiff Raphael Vieira Sandra Elise Williams Schwanda Winston Simone Griffeth Stan Robak Tommy Spagnola 2017 5.5 English Raphael Vieira United States
Untouched: Directed by Raphael Vieira. With Simone Griffeth, Chip Lane, Jenn Gotzon, Chelsea Cardwell. Under pressure to defend a preacher’s daughter accused of murder, a Savannah attorney is forced to face the sin that haunts him.
“I have bought and sold over 450 cars in my life. These clowns do a fine job of following a script to make us believe they pay a specific amount and then what the u0026quot;projected sale priceu0026quot; is at the end of the show. What isnu0026#39;t shown is what they actually pay, the buyers premium and what it actually sells for. Itu0026#39;s just entertainment and nothing more. Nobody worth their salt will pay top dollar for a car they donu0026#39;t know the history of.”