American Sharia (2017)
55K Comedy Drama Genre Ali Amine Armin Mueller-Stahl Baba Ali Craig Bentley Eric Roberts Freeway Geoffrey Rush Idris Ali Jack Bank Jaime Fletcher John Gielgud Jordan Borges Kayla Brandon Lynn Redgrave Matt Branistareanu Moubarak Alrayyashi Nadine Abu-Jubara Najmah Abraham Noah Taylor Omar Regan P.J. Edwards Ryan D'Silva Scott Hicks Sheikh Akbar Sonia Todd Tania Grant Victoria Army Zachary Robert Craft 2.5 2017 English Omar Regan Sweden
American Sharia: Directed by Omar Regan. With Eric Roberts, Najmah Abraham, Nadine Abu-Jubara, Sheikh Akbar. After a prejudiced police officer upsets the Muslim community through racial profiling, the Chief of Police assigns two Muslim officers to regain the trust of the community.
“It gets people to see other cultures in a really funny way”