Army of One – Ein Mann auf göttlicher Mission (2020)
42K Action Genre Alan Moore Barry Hanley Cade Shepard Cameron Bowen Casey Hendershot David Dittlinger Duke Jackson Ellen Hollman Gary Kasper Geraldine Singer HemDee Kiwanuka Jacob Hobbs Jae Greene Kendra Carelli Leon Ngo Mary Ann Barnes Matt Passmore Matthew O'Sullivan Michael Konanec Niko Foster R. Matthew Scheib Richard Gere Stephen Dunlevy Stephen Durham 2020 4.7 English Stephen Durham United States
Army of One – Ein Mann auf göttlicher Mission: Directed by Stephen Durham. With Ellen Hollman, Matt Passmore, Geraldine Singer, Stephen Dunlevy. Out hiking, Special Forces Brenner Baker stumbles onto a Cartel’s compound. Her husband’s killed and she’s left for dead. The Cartel made two mistakes, killing her husband and leaving her alive. They won’t live to make another.
“But why is it always that you must run into the same group of antagonists at very random times of the day?”