Die Ballade von Narayama (1983)
49K Drama Genre Aki Takejô Akio Yokoyama Ben Hiura Casey Takamine Fujio Tokita Hideo Hasegawa Junko Takada Kaoru Shimamori Ken Ogata Masami Okamoto Mitsuko Baishô Nenji Kobayashi Nijiko Kiyokawa Sanshô Shinsui Seiji Kurasaki Shichirô Fukazawa Shohei Imamura Shôichi Ozawa Sumiko Sakamoto Taiji Tonoyama Tonpei Hidari Yukie Shimura 1983 7.9 Japan Japanese Shohei Imamura
Die Ballade von Narayama: Directed by Shohei Imamura. With Ken Ogata, Sumiko Sakamoto, Tonpei Hidari, Aki Takejô. In a poor 19th century rural Japanese village, everyone who reaches the age of 70 has to climb a nearby mountain to die. An old woman is getting close to the cut-off age, and we follow her last days with her family.
“One of the best films I have ever seen. Teaches you how to love your parents and kids. The cast and photography are amazing. A must see movie. As for the previous comment from US on this film – isnu0026#39;t USA a country where the elderly are sent to nursing homes to die, often stripped off their dignity? So, go visit your granny or mommy…”