Christmas Love Letter (TV Movie 2019)
33K Drama Genre Romance Adam Cole Amy Katherine Taylor Ashley Newbrough Bea Benaderet Ben VanderMey Chanté Bowser Charity Hitchcock Damián Romay Denise Hillis Elvia Allman Geraldine Leer Izzy Herbert Jackie Prucha Josh Ventura Kelly Peters Kent Rogers Mel Blanc Melvin Millar Pierce Lackey Ray Bengston Robert Clampett Stacy Johnson Tilky Jones 2019 6.2 Damián Romay English United States
Christmas Love Letter: Directed by Damián Romay. With Ashley Newbrough, Tilky Jones, Chanté Bowser, Izzy Herbert. When relationship advice columnist Amalie Hess receives an unsigned love letter in a Christmas card, she returns to her hometown to solve the mystery of who sent it and maybe find true love.
“The girl Amalie is hot (thin, feminine, nice hair) and she is single and searching for a man.nGive me a break. A chick like that would be in bed and being done by any number of men.nAlso tired of the chidlren with the squeaky voices.”