Up from the Depths (1979)
12K Action Adventure Comedy Genre Alfred M. Sweeney Anne Dyer Bobby Greenwood Charles B. Griffith Charles Howerton Chuck Doherty Clem Persons Dave D'Martyn Denise Hayes Don Gordon Bell Dorothy Burham Helen McNeely Jim Babb Katherine Scholy Kedric Wolfe Ken Metcalfe Ken Petruic Pete Cooper R. Lee Ermey Randy Taylor Sam Bottoms Susanne Reed Virgil Frye 1979 4.3 Charles B. Griffith English Mexico
Up from the Depths: Directed by Charles B. Griffith. With Sam Bottoms, Susanne Reed, Virgil Frye, Kedric Wolfe. A giant shark-like creature preys on a Hawaiian tourist community.
“It has been awhile since I have seen this, but I remember it being bad in a very good way, campy as all hell. I laughed and laughed at the end when, to lure the sea creature to the shallows, they dragged a bleeding guy behind a boat attached to a rope! I found this at a video store a few years ago, and have never seen it anywhere again, not one they even show on TV anymore.”