One Life at a Time (2020)
44K Drama Genre Amanda Foster Chase Crawford Dean Cain Emily Buckner Gary E. Mitchell Ian Van Houten Jason Campbell Jay J. Bidwell Jimmie Chiappelli Julian Newman Julianne Howe-Bouwens Michael Davis Arnold Michael James Alexander Nathan Harris Rose Anne Nepa Ryan Fisher Sarah Kaye Hibbs Serena Chiappelli Sherryl Despres Tommy Olszewski Xander Castillo 2020 4.7 English Jason Campbell United States
One Life at a Time: Directed by Jason Campbell. With Michael James Alexander, Michael Davis Arnold, Jay J. Bidwell, Emily Buckner. Featuring Dean Cain and Luke Schroder, One Life at a Time highlights both the importance of awareness and the misconceptions of homelessness in West Michigan, in addition to having an historical nod to Mel Trotter.
“He canu0026#39;t act. He ruined this movie. DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE”