Looted (2019)
43K Crime Drama Genre Alan Carter Anders Hayward Charley Palmer Rothwell Chris McVeigh Daniel-John Williams Dawn Wolfe Gary Davison Jan van der Black Jonathan Payne Kefi Chadwick Liam Robson Mikki Hodgeson Morgane Polanski Rebecca Suleman Rene van Pannevis Rufaro Charakupa Saleem Rasul Shahbaaz Khan Shirley Ashworth Stephen Uppal Thomas Turgoose Tom Fisher 2019 5.7 English Rene van Pannevis United Kingdom
Looted: Directed by Rene van Pannevis. With Charley Palmer Rothwell, Thomas Turgoose, Tom Fisher, Morgane Polanski. Rob lives his life at 100mph, carefully balancing carjacking schemes and caring for his dying father. But one risky job could bring it all crashing down.
“In Hartlepool England, a young man is caught between obligation to his terminally ill father and loyalty to his twocking friends. Poignant story and great performances raise this above the average social realism.”