Geteilte Weihnacht (TV Movie 2017)
59K Drama Genre Romance Alvin Sanders Bridget Regan Dan Payne David Mizera Elizabeth Snyder Jagua Arneja Keith MacKechnie Kiefer O'Reilly Krystle Dos Santos Marlene McPherson Mel Damski Michelle Choi-Lee Nailya Red Philip Prajoux Raven Stewart Sarah Smyth Teryl Rothery Tracy Andreen Travis Van Winkle 2017 6.9 English Mel Damski United States
Geteilte Weihnacht: Directed by Mel Damski. With Bridget Regan, Travis Van Winkle, Raven Stewart, Teryl Rothery. A travel writer takes a Christmas vacation, but finds herself double-booked with a widower, his mother, and his daughter at the holiday site.
“I truly needed something to fill THE LAST SHIP void and this did the trick. Stars Regan and Van Winkle are easily the most versatile actors and it was a true joy seeing them on something lighter, whimsical and smart. Can I get more of this dynamic duo please????”