Sightings (2017)
14K Adventure Drama Genre Mystery Billy Simank Boo Arnold Brooke Harris Crystal Adonia Montgomery Dallas Morgan Dante Basco Devin Sarno Hollie Farrell Jason J. Lewis Jay Bro Kathy Rose Center Kevin Sizemore Marcus Pacal Megan Petersen Pia Inca Rawn Erickson Ron Fallica Stephanie Drapeau Tahlia Morgan Taylor Hopkins Tiffany Heath 2017 5.6 Dallas Morgan English United States
Sightings: Directed by Dallas Morgan. With Boo Arnold, Tahlia Morgan, Rawn Erickson, Dante Basco. A character-driven sci-fi mystery about a dysfunctional family living on a ranch in TX threatened by a cryptid in their woods. Ultimately, they must overcome their interpersonal conflict in order to unite and survive.
“Surprisingly well done for an indie flick about bigfoot aliens. A movie like this couldu0026#39;ve gone way wrong and been super cheesy. This had a Hitchcockian feel to it. Simple, basic production with a focus on human characters. No flashy, gimmicky SFX. Refreshing approach to the sci-fi/horror genre.”