Yomeddine (2018)
23K Adventure Comedy Drama Genre A.B. Shawky Achyuth Kumar Adel Abdulsalam Ahmed Abdelhafiz Anant Nag Anmol Vijay Bhatkal Archana Jois Ayyappa P. Sharma B.S. Avinash Balakrishna Dinesh Mangaluru Harish Rai Joy Badlani Krishnappa Lakshmipathi Malavika Avinash Mohamed Abdel Azim Neenasam Ashwath Osama Abdallah Prashanth Neel Rady Gamal Ramachandra Raju Ramesh Indhira Sayyed El-Battawi Shahira Fahmy Shehab Ibrahim Srinidhi Shetty Srinivasa Murthy Vasishta N. Simha Yash 2018 8.3 Arabic Prashanth Neel United States
Yomeddine: Directed by A.B. Shawky. With Rady Gamal, Ahmed Abdelhafiz, Osama Abdallah, Adel Abdulsalam. A Coptic leper and his orphaned apprentice leave the confines of the leper colony for the first time and embark on a journey across Egypt to search for what is left of their families.
“This movie may be one of the best Non action movies in Egyptu0026#39;s history . A tearjerker yet a bit funny . Tackles the extreme issues of Egypt .”