The Sex Addict (2017)
59K Comedy Drama Genre Amir Mo Anthony Shams Anyi Malik Bryan Callen Caleb Thomas Danielle Gross Desi Ivanova Fariba Skobin Horatio Sanz Kaitlyn Fae Ken Davitian Kurtis Anton Marianne Bourg Mary Allwright Mary Carey Michael Q. Schmidt Olivia Stiefel Sergio Crego Timothy A. Bennett Valerie Tosi 2017 5 Amir Mo English United States
The Sex Addict: Directed by Amir Mo. With Amir Mo, Ken Davitian, Horatio Sanz, Bryan Callen. When a PhD student decides to document a real life sex addict for her dissertation in sex psychology, she becomes much more than a curious observer.
“Whomever were the naysayers and salty reviewers definitely need to go to to the hospital and have their funnybone examined. I found this movie hilarious from start to finish. I loved the Office feel to the movie but way more raunchier, which is right up my alley:) All in all a great gem I discovered on Prime.”