Rising Fear (2016)
18K Action Drama Genre Aaron Neff Christian M. Condrick Chuck Getty Curtis Caldwell David Roush E.R. Mike Waller Eamon McGee Ian O'Brien Jason Hughes Joel Neff Kirsten Meenan Louis Merriman Michael Hoover Natalie Bigley Nicholas Shashaguay Phil Lewis Ryan Lombardi T.J. Rosage Tom Getty William Diefenderfer 2016 7.5 English Tom Getty United States
Rising Fear: Directed by Tom Getty. With Tom Getty, Curtis Caldwell, Phil Lewis, Eamon McGee. When terrorists take America hostage, a rogue marine sets out to stop them.
“Donu0026#39;t waste your time.nHelicopter chase with a helicopter that looks like it was taken from a video game. Donu0026#39;t say I didnu0026#39;t warn you if you go ahead u0026amp; watch it.”