Bride of Violence (2018)
68K Genre Horror Thriller Alec Baldwin Ben Holladay Brian Stone Brooklyn Wilde Carrie-Anne Moss Craig Hensley Dylan Bronte Frank Gonzalez Hugo Weaving Jared Harris Jeff Goldblum Jesse Valencia Keanu Reeves Laurence Fishburne Lawrence Block Luke Wilson Mark Speno Mike Rea Nikki Reed Porsche Lynn Reg Hensley Richard Anderson Travis Mills 2018 6.7 English Travis Mills United States
Bride of Violence: Directed by Travis Mills. With Porsche Lynn, Brooklyn Wilde, Mark Speno, Dylan Bronte. Dennis and Kate, a young Christian couple who are about to be married, go camping one weekend and run into an escaped convict named Berenger. Isolated in the wilderness, they are tortured and terrorized by this man, while Dennis continues to have apocalyptic visions from the Book of Revelations which may be coming true.
“The overall idea of this film is not bad. It seems as though it was short in the not too distant past. The characters lack depth and the motive of the antagonist is not really clear. Itu0026#39;ll leave you thinking…what did I just watch and why.”