Born Guilty (2017)
58K Comedy Drama Genre Romance Andrew Ayala Anna Lore Barbara Malley Circus-Szalewski Damien Bodie David Coussins Ellen Clifford Farrah Martin Galen Howard Jake Head Jay Devore Jay Klaitz John Lavelle Keesha Sharp Kinley Farrow Max Heller Nuri Hazzard Rosanna Arquette Steve Hurwitz Ted Arcidi Xander Berkeley 2017 4.2 English Max Heller United States
Born Guilty: Directed by Max Heller. With Jay Devore, David Coussins, Rosanna Arquette, Keesha Sharp. Judith is a lonely and frazzled social worker who can’t resist the urge to interfere in her son Marty’s life. When Marty hires his free-spirited friend to cheer up his mother, it soon turns into a serious romance that no one saw coming.
“I wish I could give this piece of rubbish zero stars. It must have embarrassed Rosanna Arquette to play this part. Avoid this dreadful movie if possible.”