Ai-naki mori de sakebe (2019)
32K Crime Drama Genre Horror Chiho Fujii Dai Hasegawa Eri Kamataki Fûsaku Tani Gaku Sano Hideyuki Kobashi Kippei Shîna Kyoko Hinami Manaka Kinoshita Miyu Kinoshita Nami Uehara Nana Mizoguchi Natsuki Kawamura Shin Shimizu Shinnosuke Mitsushima Sho Yakumaru Sion Sono Takato Yonemoto Tsukino Yamamoto Young Dais Yuzuka Nakaya 2019 6.3 Japanese Sion Sono United States
Ai-naki mori de sakebe: Directed by Sion Sono. With Kippei Shîna, Shinnosuke Mitsushima, Kyoko Hinami, Eri Kamataki. A small group of student filmmakers and a shy young girl with strict parents are simultaneously manipulated, seduced and abused by an older man. They follow his bidding, even when murder is involved.
“Lesbian action check, sadomasachism check, grizzly murders with graphic butchery check, older man younger girls check, girls saying no but always meaning yes check.nParts of it very good but sadly large parts of it seem to be aimed at misogynists. I think when films try to balance between teen romance and full blown Japanese insanity they fail. Either pick one or the other.”